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  Strip # 119 - The hospital - Totally avoidant
(Monday November 14, 2005)

Last strip: #168 (Monday May 21, 2007)
Local time: Saturday July 27, 2024 07:15:53 UTC

The Botmaker  
Strip #119 - Totally avoidant
Due to not having enough free time, the site is on an indefinite hiatus.

Please help Children's Hospitals.
Visit Child's Play Charity if you're so inclined.
Sunday December 25, 2005
        New strips will be posted starting Monday January 9th, past the holiday season. I'm using this time to finish fixing everything that went wrong after the server crash that destroyed all the databases.

Sorry for the delay, thanks for your patience, and have a Merry Christmas and a Hapy New Year all!
Wednesday December 14, 2005
        The Botmaker site has been down for three weeks. The hosting company announced on November 25th that the server died, and what's more important, they didn't know when they would set-up the whole thing again. Also, they didn't seem to have neither back-ups nor SWAP drives, so that means everything in there has been lost.

Now, this isn't such a biggie since I keep a backup of everything both at home and at work (for safer storage), but there's some stuff that has indeed been lost forever, and that's the user comments so far. I'm sorry guys, but all your user comments (all six of them) have been lost forever, and there's no way I can bring them back. I can only promise that I'll back up the database more often, so as to avoid this from happening again.

So, to make a long story short, I fed up with waiting and just signed with a new hosting company. Some stuff like the storyarchs has been lost, and I'll slowly re-do it. Other stuff, like reader comments and all the news for the last year, have been lost forever.


On the other hand, I've kept on drawing the strips, so I'll post three or four of them on Monday. Keep tuned, and sorry for everything.

All content © 2001-2006 Daniel Julivert
All rights reserved
Library of rain