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  Strip # 92 - Night out - Sorry I hit your friend
(Monday July 1, 2002)

Last strip: #168 (Monday May 21, 2007)
Local time: Saturday July 27, 2024 13:33:08 UTC

The Botmaker  
Strip #92 - Sorry I hit your friend
Due to not having enough free time, the site is on an indefinite hiatus.

Please help Children's Hospitals.
Visit Child's Play Charity if you're so inclined.
Friday July 5, 2002
        Ok, there are some news in my life that make me very happy but won't make you happy. For one, I got a new job as webmaster at the spanish branch of Games Workshop. Also, a couple of friends and me recently opened a goth club, called Erebus. What all this means is, I got almost not free time at the moment. I've been keeping up with the strip for the past couple of weeks thanks to having many issues drawn in advance, but I've ran out of the buffer strips, so I face a decission.

So I decided to temporarily discontinue the strip, since I wouldn't be able to keep up the periodicity.

This doesn't mean the strip is over, it just means that during the month of July there won't be any new strips. Once we get to August and the Erebus club doesn't eat up so much of my free time, the strip will go back online. I'll probably have to decrease the regularity back to three time a week as it was before, though.

Thanks to all for your time and understanding.

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