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  Strip # 94 - Night out - Dancing space
(Saturday April 12, 2003)

Last strip: #168 (Monday May 21, 2007)
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The Botmaker  
Strip #94 - Dancing space
Due to not having enough free time, the site is on an indefinite hiatus.

Please help Children's Hospitals.
Visit Child's Play Charity if you're so inclined.
Friday May 13, 2005
        After much thought and quite a few years of not having enough time, I've decided to relaunch the site. I've really missed drawing the webcomic, and I can say for sure the only reason stopping me from doing this has been lack of time.

Now, it's not that I have much free time again, but I've decided to give it a go anyway. Periodicity will be much sparser, though, since there's just no way I can keep up with four strips a week as I used to. So it'll be just one strip a week, posted every monday. Sorry for that.

The other major change is that the strip will now be hand-drawn and computer-colored, instead of being drawn and colored in the computer as it used to be. The reason is as simple as me not having my old Wacom anymore. Thing is, I draw bad enough that not having a CTRL+Z command won't make that much of a difference.

Right now I'm building up some buffer strips, so that if I go lazy sometime in the future, I can still catch up without missing a deadline. The planned relaunch date is June 6th 2005.

Hope this is good news to all three of you who read this. =D

All content © 2001-2006 Daniel Julivert
All rights reserved
Library of rain